Drink more water for god sake

Drink more water for god sake

Human beings are terrible at looking after their basic needs. In the UK, about 17% of people drink zero cups of water a day. Though out my life I’ve heard the boring fact that we are made from mostly water 100 million times but 1 in 5 people refuse to drink a drop....
6 Tips to lose weight – Without workouts or starvation

6 Tips to lose weight – Without workouts or starvation

Fat loss without gym workouts and horrible diets? Is that possible? Yes! Absolutely! In this article I will share 6 easy lifestyle changes that will help anyone who is over weight move the scales back. Disclaimer: this is not a miracle 5 minute fat loss tip First, I...
The Sensible Diet – The only fat loss solution

The Sensible Diet – The only fat loss solution

Do you know what baffles me about modern science? It’s the fact that we still can’t agree on what makes the perfect diet! The human race has achieved many great things, like the moon landings, the Internet and Breaking Bad, but we still argue about what to eat. This...
Sugar: The hidden poison in nearly every food product

Sugar: The hidden poison in nearly every food product

What if I was to tell you that every single day, supermarkets get away with selling a slow acting poison in nearly 100% of their products? This disease-causing substance has been proven to be more addictive than cocaine and is linked to diabetes, heart disease and...

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