Here’s a few to peak your interest:
1. Green tea contains cancer fighting goodness
All teas are rich in polyphenols that can help to reduce inflammation. One of the key ingredients is EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), a powerful antioxidant.
These have a range of effects on health but most notably can reduce your risk of cancer.
2. A cup of green tea can have anti-anxiety effects
Another chemical found in your green brew is L-theanine. By passing the brain-blood barrier, this can increase levels of GABA and dopamine, as well as increase the production of alpha waves in the brain.
Basically, it will help you feel level, relaxed and energized!
3. Green tea is often used in fat burning supplements.
In human controlled trials, green tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate. It is also worth noting that green tea is calorie free, unlike most hot drinks.
4. Green tea lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and brain disease.
This ties in with the antioxidants in green tea, but studies show that green tea can reduce the risk of all these illnesses and maybe more. Although the science has been disputed, I’m willing to take drink green tea just in case it does help.
Many complain they don’t like the flavour, but you can get a full range now. I’m drinking coconut and mango flavour as I write this now, mmm! So what are you waiting for? Get the kettle on!
For the science behind why green tea is good for you, try this scientific literature review on the benefits of green tea.